
  • Company Profile

    Due to the impact of the industrial restructuring in Shanghai, Shanghai Suraloc Transportation Equipment Components Co., Ltd. moved to Jiaxing from Shanghai ,so the original Shanghai Suraloc Transportation Equipment Components Co., Ltd. Changed its name to Jiaxing Suraloc Transportation Equipment Components Co., Ltd. 

    Jiaxing Suraloc Transportation Equipment Components Co., Ltd. is a specialized company producing equipment components such as container door locking device. It now has manufacturing facility like fully automatically welding production line of container door locking device 

    The company has already passed authentication of ISO9001-2015 and obtained manufacturing certificates of locking device such as ABS、BVCC and CCS. also obtained a number of patents

    Based on the business management concept of “quality is fundamental and credit is the soul”, the company provides international container industry with best services, relying on excellent corporation culture, mighty partners, advanced technical power and perfect sales services

  • Company Profile


  • Company Culture

    Sincerity  Understanding 

    Responsibility Appreciate 

    Learning Open Confidence

  • Business philosophy

    Quality is the foundation

    Integrity is the soul

  • Service Philosophy

    Close to user needs

    Improve the service system

  • Company Vision

    Serve the public sincerely

    Reputation all over the world

Factory Display

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