

How many ways are there to link container door locks?

Editor:嘉興世龍運輸設備部件有限公司 │ Release Time:2020-12-28 

There are many ways to connect the container door lock to the car body. Some are directly welded to the car body. The lock head can only rotate but cannot move longitudinally. This is called a fixed type; some turn locks are fixedly connected to the car body through a bracket. The head can not only rotate but also longitudinally expand and contract. When not in use, the lock head can be lowered below the load-bearing surface to adapt to different standard box types. This type is called lift type; some turn locks are hinged on the car body or made It can be moved, so that the fastening position can be adjusted, which greatly improves the utilization rate of the vehicle; there is also a plug-in turn lock, the lock shaft extends into the fixed part of the box like a bolt, generally with other types of turn locks With the use of.

When the container is hoisted onto the vehicle loading surface, make the corner fitting hole at the bottom of the container just fall at the position where the lock is installed, by rotating the handle of the turn lock, the lock head will be fixed at a specified corner position), so that the turn lock is locked status. For the lift-type rotary lock, push the handle longitudinally to lift the lock head, extend into the inner cavity of the bottom corner piece of the container, and then rotate to a specified angle to lock the corner of the container. Some swivel locks are equipped with a tightening device. By tightening, the lock head can press down on the bottom surface of the inner cavity of the corner piece to prevent the corner of the box from lifting, which ensures that the locking is more secure and reliable.

With the continuous improvement of modern manufacturing technology, the manufacturing process of container turn locks has become more and more perfect and standardized. The company strictly controls key links such as raw material procurement, production management, and product testing to ensure product quality. The main features of the product are: convenient and flexible operation, high safety and reliability, and long service life. After the surface treatment of the product, the surface of the parts has high corrosion resistance, damp heat resistance, salt spray resistance and other characteristics, which can meet the conditions of use in coastal areas and hot and humid climates. In addition to looking at the appearance of the product, we must pay more attention to the internal quality. The internal quality of the rotary lock is extremely strict. The physical and chemical properties of the parts must meet the relevant standards. The lock shaft must pass strict tensile test requirements.

In recent years, container truck slippage accidents have occurred from time to time, and some have even caused casualties. This is mostly because some drivers try to save trouble and do not turn the handle on the lock, and the turn lock fixing device is useless.

 The main features of the product are: convenient and flexible operation, high safety and reliability, and long service life. After the surface treatment of the product, the surface of the parts has high corrosion resistance, damp heat resistance, salt spray resistance and other characteristics, which can meet the conditions of use in coastal areas and hot and humid climates. In addition to looking at the appearance of the product, we must pay more attention to the internal quality. The internal quality of the rotary lock is extremely strict. The physical and chemical properties of the parts must meet the relevant standards. The lock shaft must pass strict tensile test requirements.

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